Fractal analysis of surface topography evolution in homogeneous and dual ZrB_2-TaB_2-SiC composites during abrasive wear
Shmakov V. V.
1, Buyakov A. S.
1, Buyakova S. P.
11Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
The evolution of the surface fractal dimension in ZrB_2-TaB_2-SiC composites subjected to abrasive wear was studied. The composites had two types of structural organization: with a homogeneous volume distribution of components, and a dual architecture consisting of the composite matrix with composite inclusions. It was found that the composite with homogeneous structure and dual composites show different abrasive wear behavior, which is reflected by the change in the dependence of fractal dimension on volume loss. The fractal dimension of the homogeneous composite surface was shown to grow with wear, while the fractal dimension of the dual composites decreases until a critical volume loss is reached. Further, the abrasive wear resistance decreases, the volume loss rate increases, and the behavior of the fractal dimension curve changes to opposite. Keywords: fractal dimension, roughness, abrasive wear, ceramic, dual composite.
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