Study of emission spectra in a high-pressure cesium lamp with a pulse-periodic discharge
Bogdanov A. A.1, Martsinovsky A. M.1, Stolyarov I. I.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
The emission spectra of a high-pressure cesium lamp in a pulse-periodic discharge were recorded. It has been shown that with an increase in the discharge power, dips appeared in the spectrum caused by absorption by cesium dimer molecules. These molecules are located in the cold near-wall layer, in which most of the atoms are concentrated at the end of the pulse. Measurement of absorption in diffuse bands with wavelengths of 707, 713 and 719 nm made it possible to estimate the concentration of cesium atoms in the discharge using the known reduced absorption coefficients. Keywords: emission spectrum, absorption band, cesium dimer molecule, atomic concentration.
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