Investigation of the dynamics of drug delivery systems by electron and optical microscopy
Sudareva N. N.1, Suvorova O.M.1, Saprykina N.N.1, Kolbe K. A.1, Smirnova N. V.1, Suslov D. N.2
1Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Macromolecular Compounds RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2National Medical Resesarch Center of Oncoclogy named after N.N.Petrov, SPb, Russia

Microscopy methods of different resolutions were used to record the dynamics of the following processes occurring with drug delivery systems (DS) in vitro and ex vivo: 1) a time change in the structure of DS of the antitumor antibiotic doxorubicin based on particles of porous calcium carbonate vaterites doped with polyanion dextran sulfate and hydroxyapatites under the influence of blood plasma (evaluated using a scanning electron microscope); 2) an increase in five times the size of alginate granules - potential carriers of wound healing drugs - in the medium of exudate (wound fluid) (observed in an optical microscope); 3) spatial distribution of fluorescently labeled protein in the volume of particles of porous CaCO3 vaterite (presented in the form of optical slices obtained using a laser scanning confocal microscope); 4) the effect of doxorubicin concentration increasing to 2 μg/ml, encapsulated in porous vaterite particles, on dermatocarcinoma A431 cells, cell death after four days in a nutrient medium with DS (studied using a light inverted microscope); 4) interaction of DS with macrophage cells obtained from the human leukemia monocyte cell line THP-1 MF and their uptake of DS after 24 h of joint incubation (demonstrated using an optical microscope with fluorescence detection). Keywords: delivery systems, doxorubicin, scanning electron microscopy, light inverted microscopy, fluorescent and laser scanning confocal microscopy.
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