The use in medicine of speckle-like structures with scaling of spatial spectra
Korolenko P.V. 1, Kubanov R.T.1
1Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

A group of interdisciplinary issues related to the use of concepts of modern fractal optics in ophthalmology and art therapy is considered. To extend the range of test optical images presented to patients during treatment and to increase the efficiency of light stimulation, it is proposed to include in the list of used images speckle-like light structures with multifractal geometry and geometry of polynomial attractors. To substantiate this proposal, an analysis of the scaling characteristics of their spatial spectra was performed; the analysis showed that they are similar to the relevant characteristics of fractal images that have already proven their efficiency in medical practice. Keywords: fractals, speckles, art therapy, ophthalmology.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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