Mechanically controlled Ku-band phase shifter
Poligina A. D. 1,2, Polenga S. V. 1, Strigova E. A.1, Ryazantsev R. O. 1
1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2Research and Production Enterprise «Radiosvyaz» JSC, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

The paper is devoted to the study of mechanically controlled phase shifter based on gap-waveguide with transitions to standard waveguide cross section. The paper presents the results of electrodynamic modeling of a broadband transition from a P-section gap-waveguide to a WR-75 waveguide section. The results of measuring the characteristics of the phase shifter mockup fabricated according to the results of electrodynamic modeling showed good agreement with the calculated values. The standing wave coefficient of the phase shifter was not more than 1.5 in the frequency range of 10.7-14.5 GHz. The maximum value of total loss was 0.3 dB. The phase adjustment range was slightly lower than calculated and amounted to 351o at the lower frequency of the range and 517o at the upper frequency. The considered phase shifter can be used as a part of antenna arrays with mechanoelectric scanning for operation in satellite communication networks. Keywords: gap-waveguide, phase shifter, mechanoelectric scanning.
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