Infrared registration of the flame front of a hydrogen-air mixture propagating in porous copper
Bivol G.Yu. 1, Golovastov S.V. 1, Kuleshov F.S.1, Golub V.V.1
1Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Using a high-speed infrared camera, the propagation of a flame front in copper foam in hydrogen-air mixtures was studied. The copper foam of high permeability was used. The flame front propagation velocities and thermal radiation were determined, and the temperature of combustion products inside porous copper was evaluated. Microstructural and evaluative energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) of the surfaces of copper wire was carried out before the experiments and after the passage of the flame front. Keywords: Copper foam, hydrogen, combustion, infrared registration, EDS.
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