Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Control of a SOT-MRAM Cell by External Magnetic Field and Current
 Ostrovskaya N. V. 1, Skidanov V. A. 1, Yu.A. Yusipova Yu. A. 1
1Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia

A dynamic system has been constructed that describes the dynamics of magnetization in a magnetic random-access memory element based on the spin Hall effect. The configuration of a cell with perpendicular anisotropy of the active layer and the dynamics of magnetization in the layer under the influence of charge-current pulses and an external magnetic field are considered. A qualitative analysis of the dynamic system was carried out. The equilibrium states of the system are identified and a classification of the main dynamic modes is carried out. The critical value of the switching current is calculated. Keywords: spintronics, orbitronics, magnetization, Landau-Lifshitz-Hilbert equation, spin Hall effect, spin current, charge current, spin torque.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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