Methods of increasing the transmission distance of a multichannel signal in FOCL
M.A. Gorbashova1,2, D.D. Starykh1, O.E. Naniy1,3, V.N. Treschikov1,4
1T8 Scientific and Technical Center LLC, Moscow, Russia
2Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Moscow oblast, Russia
3Lomonosov MSU, Physical Department, Moscow, Russia
4T8 Company, Moscow, Russia

Several ways to increase the transmission distance for multichannel signal in fiber optic communication line (FOCL) are considered. Based on the results of the numerical experiment, gain in transmission distance caused by replacing G.652-D standard fibers with G.654-C fibers was calculated. It was shown that in fiber optic communication lines with equal spans gain in transmission distance caused by fiber replacement depends on span length. The method of gain ranges' optimization for erbium amplifiers used in designed networks was proposed. Gains in transmission distance caused by using service channel multiplexors build in erbium amplifiers and budget margin reduction were evaluated. Keywords: Fiber Optic Communication Line (FOCL), Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), FOCL optimization, DWDM, budget margin.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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