Ryzhkov V.A.
1, Zhuravlev M. V.
1, Bukharkin A. A.
1, Kurapov G. N.
1, Remnev G. E.
11Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
Email: ryzhkov@tpu.ru, zhuravlev@tpu.ru, ater@tpu.ru, kurapov@tpu.ru, remnev@tpu.ru
The number of protons collectively accelerated in a Luce diode with a Teflon anode was determined from the activity of the 13N radionuclide formed in a graphite target by the nuclear reaction 12C(p,γ)13N. It is shown that the average number of protons accelerated per shot at a chamber residual atmosphere pressure of 3· 10-5 and 2· 10-4 Torr is approximately the same within the error, and the efficiency of direct capture of protons into acceleration from the residual atmosphere does not exceed 0.25%. It is also shown that, due to the hydrophobicity of polytetrafluoroethylene, the number of protons captured in acceleration (~ 4· 1012) is on average an order of magnitude lower compared to the use of anodes made of polyethylene (1014), BN (5· 1013) and Al2O3 (3· 1013). Keywords: collective ion acceleration, polytetrafluoroethylene, adsorption, surface.
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