Subnanosecond luminescence of molecular clusters in LiF crystals implanted with silver ions
Paperny V. L.
1, Chernich A. A.
1, Ischenko A. S.
2, Murzin S. V.
2, Dresvyansky V. P.
21Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia
2Irkutsk Branch of Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Parameters of luminescent layers formed in samples of lithium fluoride crystals as a result of irradiation with a beam of high-energy (~ 100 keV) silver ions have been studied. Three components were detected in the luminescence spectra, two of which correspond to the emission of radiation-induced aggregate color centers of the F3+ and F2 types. The third, thermally stable component associated with the spectral maximum at the wavelength of 440 nm, corresponds to the luminescence of molecular silver clusters formed in the irradiated surface layers of lithium fluoride. In the kinetic luminescence decay curves, four components are distinguished; two slow components correspond to aggregate centers, and two intense fast components with decay times of 1.3 and 0.2 ns correspond to molecular silver clusters. Keywords: subnanosecond luminescence, molecular clusters, LiF crystals, implantation of silver ions.
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