The effect of a constant magnetic field on the creep of an aluminum alloy with iron-containing inclusions during stretching
Nikolaev V.K.1, Skvortsov A.A.1, Pshonkin D.E.1, Friha M1, Abramov A.S.1
1Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia

The influence of a constant magnetic field on the creep processes of an inhomogeneous aluminum alloy with ferromagnetic inclusions has been studied. It was experimentally found that preliminary exposure of samples in a constant magnetic field with induction B=0.3-0.7 T leads to a decrease (~ 30%) in the value of the modulus of elasticity characterizing the ratio of mechanical stress to relative deformation of the material after prolonged application of a constant load. The description of the observed changes was carried out within the framework of the Kelvin viscoelastic body model. Changes in the viscosity element in the model are determined by the magnetically stimulated changes occurring at the interphase boundaries (inclusion-matrix). Keywords: creep, aluminum alloy, ferromagnetic inclusions, magnetic field.
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