Thermal Stress State of the Surface During Heating Due to Drop Condensation
T. S. Kontorovich1, Yu. A. Radin1, Olhovsky A. V.1
1JSC Mosenergo, Moscow, Russia

Initially, steam condensation takes place in the form of individual drops in condensation centers on the solid surface, known as drop condensation, or in the form of a liquid film on the solid surface - known as film condensation. In the vast majority of cases, the heat transfer processes associated with this phenomenon are the subject of research. The work is devoted to the thermal stress state analysis of a solid body heated by steam condensation, on the surface of which drops have formed at the initial stage of heating. This process is accompanied by an increase in thermal stress, which in the case of drop condensation, reaches a local maximum at the drop boundary and can be characterized by the stress concentration factor used by the authors in analogy with the thermal or mechanical concentration factor in solid mechanics. Keywords: stress concentration factor, drop, thermal stress, drop condensation, film condensation.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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