Iridium field emitter as a source of direct current of electrons and ions
Golubev O. L. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Emission properties and shape transformation of the iridium field emitter under the impact of strong electric field and temperature were studied by field emission microscopy. Creation of an emitter with a stable surface and sufficiently large number of emitting nanoprotrusions for obtaining a direct ion current is impossible in the case of Ir, the current always appears to be pulsed. However, obtaining direct current of Ir ions is none-the-less possible, but only by using separate nanoscale protrusions growing on the 012 and 023 corners of the emitter built up in the emitter electric field. Ion currents are low in this case, but each protrusion is an almost ideal point source of ions. Keywords: iridium, nanoscale protrusions, field ion emission.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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