Numerical modeling of acoustic instability in a nonequilibrium vibrationally excited gas
Khrapov S. S. 1, Ivanchenko G. S. 1, Radchenko V. P. 1, Titov A. V. 1
1Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia

Based on gas-dynamic methods, numerical modeling of the nonlinear dynamics of sound waves in a vibrationally excited nonequilibrium gas was carried out and the main stages of the evolution of acoustic instability were studied. It is shown that in numerical models the linear regime with an exponential growth law of the amplitude of disturbances is in good agreement with the linear analysis of stability, and at the nonlinear stage of development of acoustic instability, a system of shock waves is formed. The effects of nonlinear saturation of the intensity of shock waves, caused by the stabilization of acoustic instability, are demonstrated. Keywords: nonequilibrium gas, vibrational relaxation, acoustic instability, numerical modeling, CSPH-TVD method.
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