Investigation of motion trajectories of charged microdroplets in electric and gas-dynamic fields
Kuleshov D. O. 1, Gromov I. A. 2, Diachenko A. A. 1, Vasilev A. A. 3, Bulovich S. V. 3
1Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
3Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia

In this work, mathematical modeling of the motion of charged microdroplets with diameters of 30 and 100 μm under the combined action of electric and gas-dynamic fields is carried out. The structure of the electric field was determined by a system of coaxially located liquid and gas spray capillaries and an annular transport counter electrode. The diameter of the hole in it ranged from 15 to 21 mm; electric potential on capillaries from 2.4 to 5 kV. The pressure excess of the gas at the inlet to the capillary system over the atmosphere ranged from 1 to 6 atm. The numerical integration of the system of Navier-Stokes equations was carried out using the ANSYS Fluent package in an axisymmetric formulation without taking into account the space charge of the droplets. Keywords: electrospray, transport counter electrode, charged microdroplets, numerical modeling, ANSYS Fluent.
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