Features of blast wave energy dissipation using aqueous foam
Bolotnova R. Kh. 1, Gainullina E. F. 1, Korobchinskaya V. A. 1
1Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics UFRC RAS, Ufa, Russia
Email: bolotnova@anrb.ru, elina.gef@yandex.ru, buzina_lera@mail.ru

Dynamics features of the shock waves arising from the explosion of a cylindrical high explosive (HE) in air and aqueous foam layer surrounding the charge are studied on the basis of a two-phase gas-liquid model in one-pressure, two-velocity, two-temperature approximations, taking into account the interfacial interaction forces and interfacial heat transfer processes. Based on the results of the research, the degree of reduction in the speed and amplitude of the shock pulse in the presence of aqueous foam layer was estimated in comparison with the air medium. A comparative analysis of the obtained calculations with experimental data is carried out. The safe distance for a human from the explosion center in the air and with the use of a protective aqueous foam barrier was estimated. Keywords: explosion of cylindrical form HE, air medium, aqueous foam, shock waves, numerical simulation.
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