Method for controlling the ratio of the direct and diffuse components of solar radiation when measuring photovoltaic characteristics of a hybrid module
Berezanov D. Yu.1, Emelyanov V. M. 1, Malevskiy D.A.1, Pokrovskiy P. V. 1, Shvarts M. Z. 1, Larionov V. R.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The article discusses the development of a technique that allows for regulating the direct and diffuse light flux components in order to control the hybrid module power output under laboratory conditions. Under natural conditions, an increase in the diffuse radiation proportion in the total hybrid-module flux leads to blurring of the light spot and decrease in the integral illuminance of the concentrator element. This results in the illuminance redistribution between the hybrid-module concentrator and planar circuits. Reproducing the radiation with a controllable "direct/diffuse" balance enables investigation of the hybrid module characteristics under controllable conditions. Keywords: hybrid module, direct and diffuse radiation, energy illumination distribution, luminous flux with controllable parameters.
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