Experimental study of monocyte migration using the developed microfluidic device
Rakhimov A. A.1,2, Valiev A. A.1,2, Danilko K. V.2, Akhmetov A. T.1
1Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics UFRC RAS, Ufa, Russia
2Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia
Email: ragar83@mail.ru

The paper presents the experiments conducted in a microfluidic device for migration of monocytes in their interaction with a hemoattractant that is a conditioned living medium of prostate cancer cells of the androgen-independent line PC3 or androgen-dependent line LNCaP. The average rate of migration to the medium from LNCaP (~37 μm/h) appeared to be higher than that to PC-3 (~12 μm/h). The number of monocytes migrating to the conditioned medium from LNCaP for a healthy person was higher than that for patients with prostate cancer; however, average migration rates of monocytes from healthy people and patients were almost the same. Development of the migration devices is an important step towards improving diagnosing and treatment of oncological diseases. Keywords: microfluidic device, chemoattractant, migration, monocyte, prostate cancer.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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