Parametrization of synchronization effects in bioelectrical signals of brain activity of subjects with varying degrees of the risk of psychiatric disorders manifestation based on Flicker-Noise Spectroscopy
Demin S. A. 1, Yunusov V. A. 1, Panischev O. Y.1, Timashev S. F. 2, Demina N. Y. 1
1Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia
2National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia

In this paper, we present the capabilities of Flicker-Noise Spectroscopy in searching for diagnostic criteria for psychiatric disorders of the schizophrenia spectrum. From the set of parameters calculated for the signals of bioelectrical brain activity of subjects with varying degrees of risk of psychiatric disorders manifestation, parameters characterizing the "depth" of frequency-phase synchronization and degree of high-frequency "noise" manifestation were selected. The qualitative assessment was determined by the structure of the calculated 3D cross-correlators. As a result of statistical analysis of the subjects' electroencephalograms, there were identified 4 groups with increasing risk of future development of schizophrenia. The maximum accuracy of the proposed single-parameter estimation was 78%. Keywords: physics of complex systems, Flicker-Noise Spectroscopy, frequency-phase synchronization, psychiatric disorders, electroencephalograms, diagnostics.
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