Low-profile scanning antenna array based on an aperture-coupled radiator
Chursina O. A.1, Litinskaya Ye. A. 1, Plykin K. V.1, Polenga S. V. 1, Baskova A. A.1, Ryazantsev R. O.1
1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Email: ylitinskaya@gmail.com, twinlive@gmail.com

A low-profile antenna array based on an aperture-coupled element with wide-angle mechanoelectric scanning is considered. The scanning sector of the developed antenna array is 0-60o by the criterion of the gain degradation by no more than 3 dB at the whole antenna profile of 48 mm. The developed aperture-coupled antenna element with two linear orthogonal polarizations has a multilayer structure and gain of more than 7 dB in the frequency band of 10.7-12.75 GHz. The presented antenna array consists of eight identical subarrays each consisting of 16 aperture-coupled radiators. Modeling and analysis of the directional characteristics of the antenna array based on an aperture-coupled radiator are performed. Conclusions are made about the applicability of the proposed antenna array based on the aperture-coupled element in ground terminals of satellite communication, including those for low-orbit and medium-orbit systems. Keywords: antenna array, microstrip aperture-coupled radiator, wide-angle scanning, satellite communication. DOI: 10.61011/TPL.2023.08.56678.19563
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