Project of X-ray optical scheme of a lithograph with a transmissive dynamic mask and a synchrotron radiation source
Malyshev I.V. 1, Chkhalo N.I.1, Yakunin S.N.2,3
1Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2Scientific Research Center Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia
3NRC Kurchatov Institute and Institute of Crystallography RAS, Moscow, Russia

The paper proposes an X-ray optical scheme of a lithograph with a transmissive dynamic mask and a synchrotron radiation source. The image of a dynamic mask in the form of holes of small diameter is transferred with a decrease to a plate with a resist using a Schwarzschild projection lens. The formation of a topological pattern will occur due to the coordinated operation of the system for scanning a plate with a resist and a microelectromechanical system of a transmissive type. Objectives with a reduction of 10 and 20 times for obtaining 10-20 nm images of 200 nm holes of the dynamic mask are considered. The scheme of illumination of the mask is calculated, which provides uniform illumination on a field of 10x 10 mm2. For the synchrotron Siberia-2 of the KISI on a bending magnet, the expected productivity of the lithograph will be up to 1/14 of a plate with a diameter of 100 mm per hour. Keywords: X-ray lithography, X-ray optics, multilayer mirror, synchrotron radiation, aberrations. DOI: 10.61011/TP.2023.07.56638.111-23
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