Off-axis aspherical collector for EUV-lithography and SXR microscopy
Malyshev I.V.1, Mikhailenko M.S.1, Pestov A.E. 1, Toropov M.N.1, Chernyshev A.K.1, Chkhalo N.I.1
1Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

By the method of ion-beam shape correction, a small-sized ion beam formed a non axisymmetric aspherical profile of the collector surface for an extreme ultraviolet radiation source TEUS-S100 with a numerical aperture of NA=0.25, PV on the surface is - 36.3 μm microns, the surface shape accuracy by standard deviation is - 0.074 μm microns, which allowed to obtain a focusing spot with a width of 300 μm at half-height. To solve the problem, the technological ion source KLAN-53M was upgraded the flat ion-optical system was replaced with a focusing one. The ion-optical system consisting of a pair of concave grids with a radius of curvature of 60 mm provided the following parameters of the ion beam: the ion current is 20 mA, the width at half height is 8.2 mm at a distance of 66 mm from the cutoff of the ion source. Keywords: EUV radiation, ion beam correction, ion source, aspherics. DOI: 10.61011/TP.2023.07.56635.99-23
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