Luminescent spectroscopy of phosphates doped with Pr3+ ions, irradiated with fast electrons and reactor neutrons
Kiselev S. A. 1, Pustovarov V. A. 1, Trofimova E. S. 1,2, Petrova M. O.3
1Ural Federal University after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia
2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia
3Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia

This paper reports the spectroscopic properties of phosphates KLuP2O7, Sr9Sc(PO4)7, K3Lu(PO4)2, doped with Pr3+ ions. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra under selective excitation with UV photons, PL excitation spectra, and decay kinetics of pulsed cathodoluminescence are studied. Recordings of luminescence spectra were done with non-irradiated samples and after their irradiation with fast electrons (E=10 MeV) or fast reactor neutrons. Three typical channels of electronic excitations radiative relaxation have been identified: interconfigurational d-f transitions, intraconfigurational d-f transitions in Pr3+ ions and luminescence associated with defects. After irradiation, significant changes in the luminescence characteristics were observed: a redistribution of the intensity of the intraconfigurational f-f transitions, an increase in the luminescence yield of defects and the manifestation of new emission centers. The formation of radiation-induced defects presumably occurs due to the formation of complexes consisting of phosphorus and oxygen atoms. Keywords: phosphates, luminescence, d-f-transitions, f-f-transitions, energy transfer, radiation-induced defects.
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