Micro-explosive fragmentation of two-fluid droplets based on tall oil
Antonov D. V. 1, Vershinina K. Yu.1, Fedorenko R. M.1
1Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
Email: antonovdv132@gmail.com

The paper presents the results of experimental study of the micro-explosive fragmentation of two-liquid drops during heating in a high-temperature medium. The characteristics of secondary fragments during micro-explosive fragmentation of single droplets based on tall oil were studied. With micro-explosive fragmentation of droplets based on crude tall oil, it is possible to increase the evaporation surface area by more than 70 times. It has been established that during the secondary grinding of drops based on crude tall oil due to micro-explosive effects, it is possible to obtain 2-3 times more secondary fragments than when fragmenting drops based on kerosene and filtered tall oil under identical heating conditions Keywords: micro explosion, fragmentation, secondary fragments, biofuels, tall oil. DOI: 10.61011/TPL.2023.07.56443.19575
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