Ku-band antenna array based on Fabry-Perot cavity
Polenga S. V.1, Litinskaya E. A.1, Stankovsky A. V.1, Ryazantsev R. O. 1, Alexandrin A. M.1, Gafarov E. R.1, Erokhin A. A.1, Salomatov Y. P.1
1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Email: twinlive@gmail.com, ylitinskaya@gmail.com, stankovskiy_a@mail.ru, rryazantsev@sfu-kras.ru, AAlexandrin@sfu-kras.ru, slazen@mail.ru, aerokhin@sfu-kras.ru, YSalomatov@sfu-kras.ru

The work is devoted to the development and study of the antenna array based on Fabry-Perot cavity in the radio band. The antenna array element in the form of a Fabry-Perot cavity with circular polarization is proposed, the semitransparent mirror of the cavity is realized in the form of a two-layer frequency-selective surface (FFS). A power divider based on thin waveguides to feed the antenna array with size 2x 8 was developed. A model of the antenna array was manufactured. The power divider is made by laser cutting of sheet aluminum, semitransparent resonator layer is made by photolithography. The total efficiency of the antenna array was about 50% in the 5% frequency band with a VSWR of no more than 1.5. Keywords: Fabry-Perot cavity, antenna array, satellite communication. DOI: 10.61011/TPL.2023.07.56434.19550
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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