Spectrum multiplexing of multiwavelength picosecond oscillation of synchronously pumped Raman laser based on a Sr(MoO_4)0.8(WO_4)0.2 crystal
Tereshchenko D. P.
1, Smetanin S. N.
1, Papashvili A. G.
1, Gubina K. A.
2, Kochukov Y. A.
1,2, Solokhin S. A.
3, Ershkov M. N.
3, Shashkov E. V.
1, Shukshin V. E.
1, Ivleva L. I.
1, Dunaeva E. E.
1, Voronina I. S.
11Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia
3Kovrov State Technological Academy named after V.A. Degtyarev, Kovrov, Russia
Email: ssmetanin@bk.ru, solokhins@gmail.com
For the first time to our knowledge, a single-phase solid solution Sr(MoO_4)0.8(WO_4)0.2 was used as an active medium of a Raman laser. Using the high-intensity synchronous picosecond pumping satisfying the condition of phase capture of the parametric Raman interaction on the second vibrational mode made it possible to oscillate six components of Raman radiation with a combined frequency shift on the first (888 cm-1) and second (327 cm-1) vibrational modes in the wavelength range of 1194-1396 nm. Oscillation efficiency of the multiwavelength Raman laser radiation was as high as 10%. By detuning the Raman laser cavity length, the pulse shortening down to 6 ps for the Raman laser radiation components with the combined frequency shift was obtained, which is an order of magnitude shorter than the pumping pulse duration (64 ps). Keywords: stimulated Raman scattering, single-phase solid solution, vibrational mode, synchronous pumping.
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