Formation of an intermetallic Ni3Al coating by cold spraying of a Ni-Al powder mixture mechanically processed in a planetary mill
Chesnokov A. E. 1, Smirnov A. V. 1, Drozdov V.O. 1, Skorokhod K. A. 1
1Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

The features of the formation of an intermetallic Ni3Al coating by cold spraying of a Ni-Al powder mixture mechanically processed in a planetary mill and prepared in a V-shaped mixer are presented. It is shown that the powder deposition efficiency is 1.5 times higher when coatings are obtained from a mechanically treated powder mixture of Ni and Al components. Subsequent high-temperature treatment in the furnace chamber creates a condition for the formation of an intermetallic compound of the Ni-Al system of various stoichiometric proportions. Keywords: cold spray, composite material, high-energy planetary mill, nickel, aluminium, titanium nitride, X-ray analysis.
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