Study of the vulnerability of device based on collapsing mirror used in quantum key distribution systems
Alferov S. V.1, Bugai K. E.2,3, Pargachev I. A.1, Ivanova Y. V.2
1Joint stock company "InfoTeCS", Moscow, Russia
2Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
3SFB Laboratory, Ltd, Moscow, Russia

An attack on equipment with laser damage of optical components called " laser damage attack", can allow the eavesdropper to reduce the attenuation of optical elements and compromise distributed keys. A method of protection against this attack based on a device with a collapsing mirror has been considered. The conclusion based on experimental data about the effectiveness of the proposed method of protection has been made.. Keywords: quantum key distribution, laser damage attack, eavesdropper, symmetric cryptography.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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