Fedoseev V. B.
11Razuvaev Institute of Organometallic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Email: vbfedoseev@yandex.ru
Size effects during phase transformations change the composition of coexisting phases in ternary mixtures. The consequence is a change in the distribution coefficients of the components, which is of interest for microextraction. The concentration dependence of the degree of extraction for separable mixtures (aniline-methylcyclopentane-hexane and water-phenol-toluene) in submicron drops was simulated by the methods of equilibrium chemical thermodynamics. The concentration dependence of the degree of extraction during microextraction for submicron droplets is constructed. Keywords: phase equilibria, microextraction, thermodynamic modeling, size effect, ternary system.
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