Investigation of elastic properties of solid polymer materials by indentation method
Rekhviashvili S. Sh.1, Gaev D. S.2, Khashirova S. Yu.2, Oshkhunov M. M.2
1Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automatization, Kabardino-Balkar Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nalchik, Russia
2Kabardino-Balkaria State University, Nalchik, Russia

The mechanical properties of solid (crystalline) polymer materials are proposed to be investigated simultaneously using two complementary methods based on controlled indentation of a spherical indenter. The first method consists in the direct analysis of the load curve without using the concept of contact stiffness; the second method is based on measurements of the size of prints depending on the magnitude of the static load. The study shows that the reinforcement of a solid polymer with carbon fibers can lead to a significant increase in its elastic-strength properties. Keywords: polymer composite materials, indentation, Hertz contact theory, spherical stamp, reduced modulus of elasticity, Brinell hardness, ultimate strength.
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