Pd-Fe alloy film with high magnetic gradient: structural and magnetic properties
I.V. Yanilkin1,2, A.I. Gumarov1,2, I.A. Golovchanskiy3,4, G.F. Gizzatullina1, A.G. Kiiamov1, B.F. Gabbasov1, R.V. Yusupov1, L.R. Tagirov1,2
1Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia
2Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC “Kazan Scientific Center of RAS”, Kazan, Russia
3National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia
Email: yanilkin-igor@yandex.ru
An epitaxial film of the Pd-Fe alloy 116 nm thick with an iron concentration varying in depth from 2 at.% to 50 at.% has been synthesized. An experimental depth distribution profile of iron was obtained as a result of stepwise etching of the film surface with Ar+ ions. Profiling has shown that, as a result of annealing, the impurity was redistributed in the film, and a layer of the L10-phase with a constant concentration was formed near the film surface. After removal of the L10-phase, the film exhibits "easy-plane" anisotropy. The study of spin-wave resonance spectra showed the presence of several modes of standing spin waves, the number of which depends on the residual film thickness. Keywords: graded magnetic materials, molecular beam epitaxy, palladium-iron alloys, X-ray diffraction, spin-wave resonance.
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