Physical foundations of the formation of the silicon-based heterovarizonic structure
Bakhadirkhanov M. K. 1, Isamov S. B. 1
1Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

With the formation of binary unit cells based on the AII and BVI, AIII and BV elements, a heterovarizonic structure was obtained in the near-surface region of silicon, without destroying the crystal structure, without surface states with a thickness of about 5 μm. The resulting heterovarizonic structure has special fundamental parameters that ensure the absorption of light in a wide range of the solar spectrum from UV to IR radiation with λ=0.1-3 μm, i.e., it covers the entire solar spectrum. Keywords: silicon, photocell, solar cell, heterovarizonic structure, photovoltaics, AIIBVI, AIII, BV compounds.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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