The effect of the spin polarization control of conduction electrons through the deformation of a ferromagnet
Ignatjev V. K. 1, Lebedev N. G. 1, Stankevich D. A.1
1Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia

A model of the exchange interaction of collectivized conduction electrons with magnetization electrons in a deformed ferromagnet with taking into account spin-orbit corrections is proposed. Under the conditions of inhomogeneous torsion distortion, the conduction electron spin in the domain is oriented along the exchange interaction vector. If the conduction current density vector is orthogonal to the torsion axis, then the average conduction electron spin will be oriented predominantly along the current density vector. Keywords: spin-orbit interaction, transition metals, Wannier functions, torsion distortion.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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