Phased array beamforming networks
Ryazantsev R. O. 1, Alexandrin A. M. 1, Erokhin A. A. 1, Gafarov E. R. 1, Polenga S. V. 1, Salomatov Yu. P. 1, LitinskayaE. A. 1
1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

The work is devoted to studying multibeam phased array beamforming networks based on the Butler matrix and Rotman lens. The study was performed under conditions similar to those in the telecommunication satellite service area. The microstrip circuit pattern was developed; the amplitude and phase frequency responses were investigated taking into account losses in materials. Array directional patterns for beamforming variants were calculated. Evaluation of adjacent ray overlay within the service area was carried out. Conclusions about acceptability of the proposed beamforming networks were made. Keywords: beamforming network, antenna array, Butler matrix, Rotman lens.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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