Obtaining anisotypic heterostructures for a GaSb-based photovoltaic converter due to solid-phase substitution reactions
Gagis G. S.1, Kuchinskii V. I.1, Kazantsev D. Yu.1, Ber B. Ya.1, Tokarev M. V.1, Khvostikov V. P.1, Nakhimovich M. V.1, Vlasov A. S.1, Vasil’ev V. I.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: galina.gagis@gmail.com

The possibility of manufacturing photovoltaic converter structures due to solid-phase reactions of substitution of Sb atoms in GaSb semiconductor wafers with As or P atoms, with simultaneous diffusion of Zn, is demonstrated. Keywords: Solid-phase substitution reactions, photovoltaic converters, widegap window, p-n-junction, doping.
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