Kinetics of photon radiation formation during deformation and destruction of compact bone tissue
Makhmudov Kh. F. 1, Makhmudov A. Kh. 2,3
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Kirov Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia
3 North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Saint Petersburg, Russia

A comprehensive study of deformation and destruction of compact bone tissue was carried out. Deformation of cylindrical samples was carried out in the mode of constant feed rate of the press plunger. During the experiments, deformation, changes in photon radiation on the surface of the samples and acoustic emission were recorded. It is shown that the initial accumulation of stresses on the relative axis of deformation for the occurrence of a crack on the lateral surface of the sample is the first link in the chain of formation of the micro-cut plane and an indicator of its orientation relative to the axis of the cylinder. The incipient plane of a macro-crack is a zone of increased local stresses, which stimulates the appearance of new microcracks in it. In this case, the exit of the microcrack to the lateral surface of the sample of compact bone tissue (human tibia) coincides in time with the registration of photoluminescence. Keywords: bone tissue, deformation, photoluminescence, acoustic emission.
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