Physics of the Solid State
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Mode bistability of plasmons and dispersive jump in a structure with two graphene layers
Shutyi A. M.1, Sementsov D. I.1, Eliseeva S. V. 1
1Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia

Plasmon modes in a symmetric structure consisting of two layers of inverted graphene separated by a dielectric barrier layer and their dispersion properties are studied for various parameters of the barrier layer. The occurrence of a bifurcation of the splitting of the branch of the dispersion dependence, which leads to the appearance of bistability and a dispersion jump with a change in the stability of the branches included in the bistability, is found. The plasmonic modes belonging to the two branches of the bistable state differ in the gain increment and phase velocity, and their group velocities are opposite in sign. Keywords: inverted graphene, three-layer structure, branching bifurcation, modal bistability, amplifying modes, dispersion dependence jump.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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