Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Energy Characteristics of Electron-Stimulated Desorption of Lithium Atoms from Lithium Layers on the LixAuy Surface
Kuznetsov Yu. A.1, Lapushkin M.N.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The formation of 2D LixAuy semiconductor layers on the surface of gold deposited on a tungsten substrate has been studied. The processes of electron-stimulated desorption of Li atoms in the Li/LixAuy/Au/W system are considered. The presence of two peaks in the kinetic energy distribution of desorbed lithium atoms is shown: a high energy peak at an energy of 0.3 eV and a low energy peak at an energy of 0.11 eV. The high energy peak is associated with the desorption of lithium atoms from the adsorbed lithium layers, and the low energy peak is associated with the LixAuy intermetallic compound. The influence of the number of deposited gold and lithium atoms on the process of formation of 2D semiconductor LixAuy layers is studied. It is shown that the processes of electron-stimulated desorption occur in the Li monolayer and the LixAuy layer closest to it. A model of electron-stimulated desorption of Li atoms in the Li/LixAuy/Au/W system is proposed. Keywords: electron-stimulated desorption, lithium, gold, semiconductor, intermetallic compound.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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