Concentration cell based on electrogenic processes in the root environment
Kuleshova T.E. 1,2, Panova G.G. 1, Gall N.R. 2, Galushko A.S. 1
1Agrophysical Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The experimental bioelectrochemical current source based on the concentration gradient of charge carriers in the root environment of plants has been created. A potential difference of about 70 mV is observed in the nutrient solution. It is gradually decreasing due to equalization of concentrations. The voltage increases to 200 mV when plant are placed in a cultivation system as the root system develops due to the intensification of diffusion processes. The potential-forming role of nitrate forms of nitrogen is shown on the example of lettuce grown according to the panoponics technology. The separation of electrical charges by the root system during the life of plants can become an alternative source of green energy. Keywords: rhizosphere, bioelectric potential, panoponics, green energy.
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