Influence of preliminary ion bombardment on the formation of Co and CoSi2 nanofilms on Si surface during solid-phase deposition
Turapov I. Kh.1, Bekpulatov I. R. 1, Tashatov A. Q.2, Umirzakov B.E.1
1Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2Karshi State University, Karshi, Uzbekistan

In this work, to obtain ordered nanophases of Co and CoSi2, nuclei are preliminarily created on the Si surface by bombardment with Ar+ ions with E0=0.5 keV and D=8· 1013 cm-2. It was found that a narrow band gap (Eg~ 0.3 eV) appears in the band structure at the Co layer thickness of less than 3 ML. The metallic properties of the Co film manifest themselves at a thickness of more than 4-5 ML. Heating the Co/Si(111) system at T=900 K leads to the formation of nanophases and CoSi2 nanofilms. The Eg value is 0.8 eV for the CoSi2 nanophases with theta~ 3 ML and 0.6 eV for the CoSi2 film. Keywords: nanophase, epitaxy, low-energy bombardment, surface, single crystal, island growth, ion dose, degree of coverage.

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