Anticlassical approximation in the problem of electromagnetiv wave reflection from an inhomogeneous medium
V.V. Shagaev1
1Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Kaluga branch), Kaluga, Russia

Expressions are derived for the reflection coefficients of electromagnetic waves with p and s type polarizations from a semi-infinite dielectric medium having an inhomogeneous layer. The influence of the layer was taken into account by the method of perturbation theory in a quadratic approximation of the layer thickness. A method is proposed for converting expressions derived using perturbation theory into other expressions that give more accurate values of the reflection coefficient. The angular dependences of the reflection coefficient obtained by the developed method are compared with those obtained by the numerical solution of electrodynamic equations. Requirements for the layer characteristics are formulated to minimize the error of the analytical solution. Keywords: dielectric medium, inhomogeneous layer, electromagnetic wave reflection coefficient, analytical calculation, perturbation theory.

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