N.T. Bagraev1, L. E. Klyachkin1, A. M. Malyarenko1, Taranets K. B.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: constanttaranets@gmail.com
The spectral characteristics of multiple Andreev reflection in a silicon nanosandwich structure are investigated. A possible mechanism of generation and recording of radiation under conditions of formation of Andreev molecules containing single carriers tunneling through dipole centers with negative correlation energy is considered. Electroluminescence spectra obtained in the analysis of different breast diseases (normal, fibroadenomatosis, terminal cancer) are analyzed. An optical version of multiple Andreev reflection, which may be of interest for the rapid identification of DNA oligonucleotides, is demonstrated. Keywords: quantum interference, DNA identification, quantum Hall effect, oscillations Shubnikov-de Haas, quantum conductivity ladder, Faraday electromagnetic induction.
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