Study of the thermoelectrokinetic effect in the animal's blood
Zaitsev A.A. 1, Grabov V.M. 2, Kuznetsov D. V. 1, Sidorov A. V. 1, Tinkov N. I. 1
1Bunin State University, Elets, Russia
2Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia

The paper presents the results of experimental measurements of the thermoelectrokinetic EMF of animal blood samples. The cross thermoelectrokinetic effect that occurs in aqueous solutions of ionic compounds under the action of three thermodynamic forces has been studied in cases where the kinetic and temperature parameters of the studied samples corresponded to the real conditions of functioning of living organisms. It was found that the EMF generated is commensurate in magnitude with the known values of human biopotentials. In order to study the effect of the ionic composition on the electrical and thermoelectric properties of blood, measurements were carried out on samples with a changed ratio of concentrations of potassium and sodium ions compared with the normal initial ones. The influence of the ion balance on the value of the formed thermal EMF has been revealed. The obtained dependencies can be used to diagnose electrolyte disorders, including hypo- and hyperkalemia. Keywords: thermoEMF, blood plasma, hyperkalemia, hypokalemia.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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