Thermal fields dynamics on a streamlined surface heated by a shock wave and a pulsed discharge
Znamenskaya I. A. 1, Karnozova E. A. 1
1Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

The thermal fields dynamics in the shock tube test chamber boundary layer on the wall surface close to a rectangular ledge was studied using the thermographic method. The heating and cooling of the wall behind the shock wave reflected from the ledge, as well as pulse discharge localization zone in the flow separation region, was studied. The wall heat registration in the range of 1.5-5.1 μm was through the test chamber windows, transparent both for the wall thermal radiation and for the visible radiation of the discharge. It is shown, that in the channel surface in the shock-heated (for hundreds of microseconds) upwind zone, cooling occurs in a few milliseconds. The downwind zone, heated by a localized pulse discharge, wall cooling follows in a submillisecond time Keywords: Shock tube, Separation zone, Infrared thermography, Heat fluxes, Localized sliding discharge.
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