Ataeva G. Ya.1, Babatv A. B.1, Murtazaev A. K.1
1Amirkhanov Institute of Physics, Daghestan Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala, Russia
The critical behavior of the three-component Potts model on a square lattice has been studied using the Monte Carlo method. Systems with linear dimensions Lx L=N, L=10/ 320 are considered. Based on the theory of finite-dimensional scaling, static critical indices are calculated: heat capacity α, susceptibility γ, magnetization β and the critical index of the correlation radius ν. It is found that the obtained critical indices for the three-component Potts model on a square lattice coincide quite well with the data for the rigid hexagon model, to which the two-dimensional Potts model with the number of spin states q=3 can be reduced. Keywords: Potts model, critical indices, scaling hypothesis, Monte Carlo method, thermodynamic parameters.
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