Physics of the Solid State
Volumes and Issues
Propagation of unipolar impulsive disturbances in crystalline solids with Granato--Lucke dislocation hysteresis
Nazarov V.E. 1, Kiyashko S.B. 1
1Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

A theoretical study of the nonlinear propagation of unipolar pulse perturbations in crystalline solids with dislocation hysteresis of Granato-Lucke is carried out. An exact analytical solution has been obtained describing the propagation and evolution of the initial disturbance - the half-period of a sinusoidal oscillation in such medium. The dependences of the parameters of the disturbance in the medium, namely, the amplitude and duration on its initial amplitude and the distance traveled, are determined. Numerical and graphical analysis of the obtained solution is carried out. Keywords: amplitude-dependent internal friction, elastic waves.
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