Spectral Measurement of a Single Semiconductor Nanoplatelets Cluster in Radio-frequency Trap
Rybin V. V. 1, Rudyi S. S. 1, Klimenko D. I. 1, Ivanov A. V.1, Shcherbinin D. P. 1
1ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: vadi.rybin@gmail.com

In this work, we study the optical response of microclusters of CdSe nanoplates localized in an radio-frequency trap. The luminescence spectra of the stock solution of nanoplates, its microclusters on a glass substrate, and in an radio-frequency trap are compared. The redshift and broadening of the exciton luminescence band, as well as the formation of additional luminescence bands in the long-wavelength region of the spectrum as a result of the aggregation of nanoplates, is shown. The spectra of microclusters localized in an radio-frequency trap are characterized by a greater redshift and broadening of the main band, as well as an increase in the relative contribution of long-wavelength luminescence bands to the spectral response. The possible mechanisms leading to the modification of the luminescence spectra of nanoplate microclusters are discussed. Keywords: photoluminescence, nanoplatelets, radio-frequency traps
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