Structure of oxygen centers in lithium fluoride with metal impurities
Korepanov V. I. 1, Ge Guanghui 1, Polisadova E. F. 1
1Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia

The work presents the results of the study of luminescence of LiF-Fe2O3, LiF-TiO2 and LiF-WO3 crystals during photoexcitation in the region of 4.0...6.2 eV (impurity absorption) at temperatures of 80...300 K. It was established that in LiF with multivalent metal impurities that replace Li+ + ions, two types of luminescence centers are created in the form of pairs of O2--V_a+ ions located in neighboring nodes and O2--Me, which correspond to two luminescence bands 3.1 eV and 2.6 eV. The center O2--Me (Fe, Ti, W) creates absorption bands in the region 4.0...6.2 eV with parameters similar for the same type of bands in crystals with different metals. The number of these bands is determined by the valence of the metal, that is O2-- the number of ions necessary to compensate for the excess charge of the metal, which are located in the nodes closest to it and form a single complex color center. Keywords: photoluminescence, lithium fluoride, metal impurities, oxygen centers.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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