Comparative Analysis of Light Absorption Spectra in Lutetium Diphthalocyanine Films Depending on the Substrate
Rasmagin S.I. 1
1Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Films of lutetium diphthalocyanine were created on various substrates by vacuum deposition. The light absorption spectra and surface resistances in the obtained films were measured. A comparative analysis of the light absorption spectra and resistances of various lutetium diphthalocyanine films was carried out. The effect of substrates on the light absorption spectra in lutetium diphthalocyanine films was determined. The results obtained can be used to consider the possible creation of a gas sensor based on lutetium diphthalocyanine films on organic and inorganic substrates. Keywords: lutetium diphthalocyanine, films, glass, polyvinylchloride, absorption spectrum, PVC, LuPc2.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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