Acoustic emission in the honeycomb matrix--composite" system under different heating conditions
Aseev E. M.1,2, Kalashnikov E. V.1,2
1Scientific and Educational Center ”Quality“, Moscow, Russia
2Moscow State Regional University, Moscow, Russia

A complex system combining a honeycomb structure conjugated normally with a composite structure has been experimentally studied. For this purpose, the ideas of acoustic emission in solids are used (i.e., measuring the response in the acoustic range to external influences). But unlike traditional loading (compression or stretching) of the sample by external forces, a variation of the temperature field in which the sample is placed is used. A change in the temperature field over time (the rate of temperature change) generates temperature field gradients in the sample, which, in turn, they generate mechanical stresses in the sample, exciting acoustic vibrations in it. The dependences of the amplitudes of acoustic signals on time and on the rate of temperature change reveal a clear difference between a defect-free sample and a sample with a defect. Keywords: honeycomb structure, composite, mechanical stresses, defects in structures, temperature field, acoustic emission.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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